Financial Economic Crime
Here you will find our statement on Financial Economic Crime (FEC) and the Wolfsberg Group Financial Crime Questionnaire for Aegon. The material aims to support you with your Know Your Customer (KYC) and due diligence-related inquiries.
Aegon's position on financial economic crime
At Aegon, we are committed to conducting business with the highest level of integrity, and strict compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and standards in each of the markets and jurisdictions in which we operate. As a global financial institution, Aegon is at risk of being used to launder proceeds of crime, to finance terrorism and/or to be involved in transactions related to sanctioned persons, entities and/or countries as well as trade-controlled exports and proliferation financing. Aegon defines these as FEC risks. Aegon implemented several policies on FEC to prevent its businesses from involvement in money-laundering and terrorist financing, fraud and/or bribery. Aegon's FEC policies include:
- Anti-Fraud Policy (covering internal fraud, intermediary fraud and external fraud)
- Anti-Money laundering & Terrorist financing Policy
- Sanctions Policy
- Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy– (including Gifts & Entertainment)
Wolfsberg Group Financial Crime Questionnaire
Aegon commits to the Wolfsberg Group principles on Financial Crime Compliance. The Wolfsberg Group is an association of thirteen global banks which aims to develop frameworks and guidance for the management of financial crime risks, particularly with respect to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing policies.