Aegon is rated by several respected independent rating agencies. View this section for more details.
Aegon's financial strength ratings provide comfort to clients and partners and support business growth. Our issuer credit ratings are an additional tool to help investors assess Aegon's credit quality and support the company's financial flexibility by allowing easier access to the debt and capital markets.
Ratings reflect the opinion of the individual rating services regarding Aegon's financial strength, operating performance and claims paying ability.
Aegon is rated by the following rating agencies:
Aegon Ltd.
S&P Global
Ratings on Stable Outlook
- Long-term issuer: BBB+
- Senior debt: BBB+
- Subordinated debt: BBB-
- Short-term issuer: A-2
Ratings on Stable Outlook
- Long-term issuer: Baa1
- Senior debt: Baa1
- Subordinated debt: Baa2
Aegon USA
S&P Global
Ratings on Stable Outlook
- Financial strength: A+
Ratings on Stable Outlook
- Financial strength: A1
A.M. Best
Ratings on Stable Outlook
- Financial strength: A