The Supervisory Board of Aegon N.V. will propose to shareholders at the upcoming Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) on April 23, 2008 to appoint Ms. Cecelia Kempler, Dr. Rob Routs, Mr. Dirk Verbeek and Mr. Ben van der Veer as members of the Supervisory Board for a four-year term. The appointment of Mr. Van der Veer will take effect as of October 1, 2008, when he retires as Chairman of the Board of KPMG in the Netherlands.
Ms. Cecelia Kempler (US nationality) is Director & Instructor at the Florida Atlantic University, Kaye School of Finance Insurance & Economics and an independent consultant on insurance industry matters. Previously, she was a partner at Dewey & LeBoeuf, an international law firm servicing insurance and reinsurance companies and financial institutions. Ms. Kempler serves on the Board of Directors of Aegon USA, from which she will step down upon appointment to the Supervisory Board of Aegon N.V.
Mr. Rob Routs (Dutch nationality) is Executive Director Oil Products & Chemicals at Royal Dutch Shell plc. Mr. Routs has held various positions at Shell, most recently as Group Managing Director Royal Dutch/Shell Group and President of Shell Oil Company in the US. Mr. Routs is Member of the Economic Development Board of Singapore International Advisory Council and of the Board of Directors of INSEAD.
Mr. Dirk Verbeek (Dutch nationality) is Vice-President Emeritus of Aon Group Inc. Before joining Aon in 1989, Verbeek held various positions at Citibank in Belgium, France and the Netherlands. Mr. Verbeek also serves on the Boards of Robeco Group, Aon Groep Nederland and Aon Jauch & Hübener Holdings and is chairman of the INSEAD Dutch Council.
Mr. Ben van der Veer (Dutch nationality) started his career at KPMG in the Netherlands in 1976 and became a partner of the Dutch firm in 1987. In 1997, he joined the Board of Management of KPMG in the Netherlands, and was elected chairman of the Board of Management in 1999. In this capacity he also joined the Board of the KPMG International network. In 2005, Mr. Van der Veer was also elected as Chairman of the Board of the KPMG region for Europe, Middle East and Africa. Mr. Van der Veer also serves on the Supervisory Board of UNICEF in The Netherlands and is a member of the Board of Management of VNO-NCW (the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers).
In addition, the Supervisory Board will propose to re-appoint Mr. Irving W. Bailey, II for a second four-year term.
Furthermore, Ms. Toni Rembe and Mr. O. John Olcay will retire from the Supervisory Board upon reaching the end of their current term. Ms. Rembe was appointed to Aegon's Supervisory Board in 2000 and Mr. Olcay in 1993. Mr. René Dahan, whose current term will end in 2008, has informed the Supervisory Board that he is not eligible for reappointment for personal reasons.
All matters mentioned above are contained in the agenda of the AGM on April 23, 2008, which will be available on this website shortly.