Today, Aegon N.V. published the agenda for its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) to be held on Wednesday, May 15, 2013.
[node:field_featured_media:entity:field_media_image]As part of this agenda, shareholders will be asked to reappoint Mr. Shemaya Levy as member of the Supervisory Board and to appoint Mrs. Dona Young as a new member of the Supervisory Board, both for a four-year term. It is also proposed to appoint Mr. Darryl Button to the Executive Board for a four-year term, succeeding current CFO Jan Nooitgedagt.
A further agenda item addresses the agreement between Aegon and Vereniging Aegon regarding the conversion of Aegon's preferred shares, of which the Association is the sole owner. Upon conversion, all of Aegon's preferred shares will be exchanged for cash and common shares. This proposal includes amendments to the Articles of Association.
During the Shareholders Meeting Aegon's Supervisory Board will also propose to appoint PwC as the new independent auditor for the Annual Accounts 2014 through 2016. This recommendation is the result of a competitive tender process that Aegon conducted, consistent with sound corporate governance principles. For the Annual Accounts 2013, the proposal is to reappoint Ernst & Young as the independent auditor.
More information about all agenda items is contained in the agenda for the AGM, which is available on Aegon's corporate website