Aegon has launched a pilot aimed at improving quality of life for the chronically sick. Developed in collaboration with Quality Medical Service (QMS) in Barcelona, the pilot uses hi-tech monitoring to anticipate health issues.
[node:field_featured_media:entity:field_media_image]Through the initiative, volunteers enter pre-agreed biometrics and health information daily via a tablet, from the comfort of their own home. This information is transmitted to a healthcare professional, together with information captured via wireless patient monitoring systems.
The healthcare professional then carries out a patient assessment, which helps preempt any imbalance in their condition and reduce, as far as possible, emergency room visits and time spent in hospital.
Physical and emotional benefits
The project also brings a number of psychological benefits. Stress levels and anxiety - which may impact a patients' emotional well-being - are reduced. On a cognitive level, the presence of the technology itself helps reduce the sense of loneliness, fear and helplessness sometimes felt by seriously ill patients.
Commenting on the study, Jaime Kirkpatrick, CEO of Aegon Spain, says: "Improvements in healthcare technology need to be implemented in practice and to become an integral part of medical routines and treatments. With this study, we are ensuring that chronically sick patients benefit from the latest technological developments and see marked improvements in their quality of life."
Six-month pilot
Following the six month pilot, which started in March this year, Aegon will prepare a report outlining the findings and conclusions drawn from the research. This will be used to support the development and implementation of technologies to improve the quality of life for those living with chronic diseases.