Aegon will extend its existing partnership with the peer-to-peer platform auxmoney, Germany's leading credit marketplace recognized for its sophisticated consumer credit rating technology.
[node:field_featured_media:entity:field_media_image]Aegon will spearhead auxmoney's Serie E financing round with a EUR 15 million investment and will further fund auxmoney's loans over the next three years. The deal supports Aegon's commitment to stimulating inclusion in the financial industry through digital innovation.
Advanced credit scoring
auxmoney's innovative risk analysis is based on hundreds of digital data points, gained through direct interaction in consensus with its customers. These include behavioral characteristics and web data. This complex analysis allows the company to provide loans to millions more people, thus substantially enhancing financial inclusion.
Aegon the Netherlands' Eric Rutten, who will join the Board of auxmoney, comments: "With innovations along the entire credit value chain and its highly sophisticated and tech-driven methods of risk assessments and scoring, auxmoney provides a strong case for Aegon to drive financial innovations for the benefit of society."
In the current ultra-low interest rate environment, crowdlending marketplaces with a long-standing history of loan performance data have become increasingly popular with a broad audience of investors.
With Aegon's commitment and thousands of private investors lending out their money on the platform every month, auxmoney is becoming Europe's most complete marketplace for consumer loans. It facilitates fast, easy and competitive loans to both customers with the highest credit rankings as well as students, self-employed people or employees in their probation period.
Germany's largest credit marketplace
auxmoney is by far Germany's largest credit marketplace. Its share of the German crowdfunding market is well in excess of 60 percent. More than 50,000 investors have funded 60,000 loan requests with a total volume of more than EUR 400 million.